Saturday, May 21, 2016

Help a little someone out!!

Special needs babies are such an inspiration to my heart!! Today I'd like to share one special little boy that I've known since before he was born. Ashton's mommy Tara and I were part of the same pregnancy group while I was pregnant this last time. While I was experiencing the aches and pains of being 8 months pregnant, Tara was delivering Ashton without knowing if either of them would survive to see him grow up. She had developed HELLP syndrome and pre-eclampsia. He was born at 27 weeks 2 days.
Ashton is such a special kid in my heart, and today he is being transported to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio because the facility where he is now just isn't equipped to handle his lung issues. To save his life, his mom will live in the hospital or Ronald McDonald House to make sure he gets the best care. As a birthmom who has spent weeks in the hospital before adoption I know just what this means. Lonely, long, scary days and nights. Lots of stress and worry. Tara deserves to have this be as financially stress free as possible. Ashton's GoFundMe page is here

Read more here
#ashtonstrong #TeamAshton #fightlikeapreemie


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